Saturday 25 April 2020

Automate Win32 GUI using Perl and Win32::GuiTest

We will be looking at how to automate windows application using Perl.
Again there are multiple ways to achieve this. Few of them are -
  1. Win32::GuiTest
  2. X11::GUITest
  3. Win32::OLE
There are other autohotkey and autoitscript which are quite good in windows automation. I encourage you to check them out.

For this blog we will be using Win32::GuiTest for automating windows application.
 We will satrt with the a small example which can later be extended.
Lets revisit what we will be doing -
  1. We will open the given directory in windows explorer (Right now C:/Perl64/lib/),
  2. Search for a file or folder (,
  3. Right-click on that particular file or folder(this is achieved using keyboard shortcuts),
  4. Select an option (right now 'Open with Notepad++'),
  5. Wait for the action to be completed because of the selected option,
  6. After the action is successful close it (close Notepad++)
  7. Close the windows explorer
See, that quite simple thing we will be doing. We will take baby steps by starting with our first step.

Creating the package -

We will be creating a package containing all our automation utilities(
package Win32Operations;
use strict;
use warnings;

sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    my ($self) = {@_};
    bless $self, $class;
    return $self;

Starting Windows Explorer operations -

Now we have to open a dir in windows explorer. We will create a function for this.
sub start_explorer_operations {
    my ($self, $root_directory, $filename_to_open, $max_retry_attempts) = @_;

    # Path to windows explorer. The Windows directory or SYSROOT(%windir%) is typically C:\Windows.
    my $explorer = "%windir%\\explorer.exe";

    # Since we are on windows removed forward slash with backslashes
    $root_directory =~ s/\//\\/g;

    # seconds to spend between keyboard key presses
    my $key_press_delay = 1;

    # this is the interval the tester sleeps before checking/closing
    # any window; this is just for an eye effect so we can
    # watch what happens
    my $wait_time_for_windows = 3;

    my $count = 0;
    while ($count < $max_retry_attempts) {
        $self->{'logger'}->info("Opening dir: $root_directory in windows explorer");
        my $status_code = system($explorer , "$root_directory");
        if ($status_code == -1) {
                "Unable to open 'explorer.exe' with mentioned dir : $root_directory. Exited with return code :". $status_code);
        elsif ($status_code & 127) {
            $self->{'logger'}->error("Child died with signal : " . ($status_code & 127));
        else {
            # Windows explorer is opened hear and we are in the given dir
The comments are self explanatory. We will be opening windows explorer. It will retry for some  time in case it fails.
Also we have to cross check whether the open window is the location to our expected folder or not.
We will also give some time to system for this operation.
For this we will create a generalized function -

sub _wait_for {
    my ($self, $title, $wait_time) = @_;
    my $win;
    while (1) {
        # This will look for the window with the given title
        ($win) = FindWindowLike(0, $title);

        if (defined $win) {
            $self->{'logger'}->info("Found window with title : $title.");
        else {
            $self->{'logger'}->info("Unable to find window with title : $title. Retrying...");
            sleep $wait_time;
    return $win;

Bringing Window to front -

Now we are able to open the explorer windows and confirm that it is that window.
We will be trying to bring back that particular window to front. Reason being what if in between opening of explorer and starting our operation, our focus moved to somewhere else (someone clicked outside the explorer or open some other application). For this we will be creating another function-
sub _bring_window_to_front {
    my ($self, $window, $retry_attempts, $pause_between_operations) = @_;
    my $success = 1;
    my $count   = 0;
    while ($count < $retry_attempts) {
        if (SetActiveWindow($window)) {
            $self->{'logger'}->info("* Successfully set the window id: $window active");
        else {
            $self->{'logger'}->warn("* Could not set the window id: $window active: $!");
            $success = 0;
        if (SetForegroundWindow($window)) {
            $self->{'logger'}->info("* Window id: $window brought to foreground");
        else {
            $self->{'logger'}->warn("* Window id: $window could not be brought to foreground: $!");
            $success = 0;
        sleep $pause_between_operations;
        my $foreground_window_id = GetForegroundWindow();
        if ($foreground_window_id =~ /$window/i) {
        else {
                "Found - $foreground_window_id instead of expected - $window. Will try again...");
    return $success;

The system restricts which processes can set the foreground window. A process can set the foreground window only if one of the following conditions is true:
  1. The process is the foreground process.
  2. The process was started by the foreground process.
  3. The process received the last input event.
  4. There is no foreground process.
  5. The foreground process is being debugged.
  6. The foreground is not locked.
  7. The foreground lock time-out has expired.
  8. No menus are active.
Please keep these in mind. Otherwise this function will fail.

Opening and closing in Notepad++ - 

Now back to our 'else' part in 'start_explorer_operations' where we will be using these functions.
Now we have to search for our file, 'right-click' on it and select 'edit with Notepad++'.
After opening we will close it and close the explorer also.
  1. Searching file - We may have noticed that if we open explore and start typing our file name on our keybord, window will automatically select that particular file. We will be using similar thing here.
  2. Right Click - we will be using 'context menu key' on the keyboard (Another alternative - Shift + F10) for simulating right click.
  3. Open with Application - If you press 'context menu key' or 'Shift + F10', you can see different options and each options have a underline on one of the characters. These are the shortcuts to selct that particualr option/ In our case the underline is under 'N' meaning if we press 'N' we will be selecting that option. After that we will press 'Enter' to open it.
  4. Closing the appllication - We will be using the 'close' command from the 'System Menu' to close it. On the top of Notepad++ if you right click you can see the 'System Menu'
sub start_explorer_operations {
        else {
            my $window = $self->_wait_for(basename($root_directory), $wait_time_for_windows);
            $self->{'logger'}->info("Opened 'explorer.exe'. Window id : $window");

            $self->_bring_window_to_front($window, $max_retry_attempts, $wait_time_for_windows);
            $self->{'logger'}->info("Opening the file in Notepad++...");

            # This will use your keyboard to
            # Write the 'filename' to search
            # Right click on it(context menu) - {APP}
            # Select 'N' for Notepad++ and press 'Enter' to open
            # Replace 'N' with your own application shortcut if you are using something other application
            my @keys = ("$filename_to_open", "{APP}", "N", "{ENTER}");
            $self->_keys_press(\@keys, $key_press_delay);

            $self->{'logger'}->info("Opened the file in Notepad++. Closing it...");
            # Checking wheteher we are actually able to open Notepad++ or not
            my $opened_explore_window = $self->_wait_for($filename_to_open, $wait_time_for_windows);
            if (!$opened_explore_window) {
                $self->{'logger'}->warn("Cannot find window with title/caption $filename_to_open");
            else {
               # We will come here when we successfully opened the file in Notepad++
                    ->info("Window handle of $filename_to_open is " . $opened_explore_window);
                print $opened_explore_window;
                $self->_bring_window_to_front($opened_explore_window, $max_retry_attempts,
                $self->{'logger'}->info("Closing Notepad++ window...");
                MenuSelect("&Close", 0, GetSystemMenu($opened_explore_window, 0));
                $self->{'logger'}->info("Bringing Explorer window to front...");
                $self->_bring_window_to_front($window, $max_retry_attempts, $wait_time_for_windows);
                $self->{'logger'}->info("Closing Explorer window...");

                # There are different way to close windows File explorer -
                # 1. Alt+F4 (Will close anything on the top - little risky)
                # 2. Alt+F, then C
                # 3. CTRL+w (only closes the current files you're working on but leaves the program open)
                return 1;


Again, the comments are self explanatory. Another thing to note here is that, there are various ways to close the application. One of the common one is 'Alt + F4'. But is it also risky. Reason being it can close anything on the top, anything.
What if on top there is some other application which you don't want to close.
Better to use 'context menu' or application defined close.

Using the module -

Now we have the module ready. Lets create a perl script and try to utilize the methods which we have created( We will be using Log4perl for our logging. You can use anyone of your choice.

use strict;
use warnings;
use Log::Log4perl;
use Cwd qw( abs_path );
use File::Basename qw( dirname );
use lib dirname(abs_path($0));

use Win32Operations;

sub initialize_logger {

    # initialize logger, you can put this in config file also
    my $conf = qq(
            log4perl.category                   = INFO, Logfile, Screen
            log4perl.appender.Logfile           = Log::Log4perl::Appender::File
            log4perl.appender.Logfile.filename  = win32op.log
            log4perl.appender.Logfile.mode      = write
            log4perl.appender.Logfile.autoflush = 1
            log4perl.appender.Logfile.buffered  = 0
            log4perl.appender.Logfile.layout    = Log::Log4perl::Layout::PatternLayout
            log4perl.appender.Logfile.layout.ConversionPattern = [%d{ISO8601} %p] [%r] (%F{3} line %L)> %m%n
            log4perl.appender.Screen            = Log::Log4perl::Appender::Screen
            log4perl.appender.Screen.stderr     = 0
            log4perl.appender.Screen.layout     = Log::Log4perl::Layout::SimpleLayout
    my $logger = Log::Log4perl->get_logger;
    $Log::Log4perl::DateFormat::GMTIME = 1;
    return $logger;

my $logger    = initialize_logger();
my $win32_obj = Win32Operations->new("logger" => $logger);

# This will open the given dir in windows explorer
# Right click on the given filename and open it in Notepad++ and then close it.
my $input_dir          = "C:/Program Files/Notepad++";
my $filename_to_open   = "readme.txt";
my $max_retry_attempts = 5;

$win32_obj->start_explorer_operations($input_dir, $filename_to_open, $max_retry_attempts);

And we are done. You can run this script from your terminal and test this. The full code for reference is also available at Github for your reference.

Saturday 28 March 2020

Sending Emails Using Perl

We will be looking at sending emails using Perl.
As per Perl TIMTOWTDI philosophy there are multiple ways to send email. Few of them are -
  1. Using /usr/sbin/sendmail linux utility
  2. MIME::Lite
  3. Email::Send 
  4. Email::Sender
I remember when I started using Perl and when a day arrived where I have to send email, I found MIME::Lite. It was good for that time being and its gets the job done.
But as the time progress multiple alternative appears and also in current day MIME::Lite is not the recommended way to send email. From there documentation -
MIME::Lite is not recommended by its current maintainer. There are a number of alternatives, like Email::MIME or MIME::Entity and Email::Sender, which you should probably use instead. MIME::Lite continues to accrue weird bug reports, and it is not receiving a large amount of refactoring due to the availability of better alternatives. Please consider using something else.
Also, for Email::Send - 
Email::Send is going away... well, not really going away, but it's being officially marked "out of favor." It has API design problems that make it hard to usefully extend and rather than try to deprecate features and slowly ease in a new interface, we've released Email::Sender which fixes these problems and others. As of today, 2008-12-19, Email::Sender is young, but it's fairly well-tested. Please consider using it instead for any new work.
I also got opportunity to work on some older codes and there were extensive use of MIME::Lite and sendmail (which is the Linux utility for sending emails) and I thought these are de-facto standards but as the time progress I realize there are more and efficient ways to send email. 
Today we will be seeing one of those ways to end email which is recommended as of now - Email::Sender .

Lets revisit few of the basic process of sending email-
  1. A mail template containing mail body in HTML format. In case you want to send plain text email you can ignore this.
  2. Creating mail with the subject, attachment and mail body created in Step 1.
  3. Send Email using SMTP server.

Creating the Email package -

We will be creating a package containing all our email utilities(
package SendMail;
use strict;
use warnings;

sub new {
    my ( $class, @arguments ) = @_;
    my $self = {@arguments};
    bless $self, $class;
    return $self;

Generating Mail Template -

We will be creating a method for generating our mail template. You can use any library of your choice to generate this template. Few notable are -
  1. Text::Template
  2. Template-Toolkit
  3. HTML::Template 
I am using HTML::Template for this job as our scope is limited only to creating mail body and it is right tool for the job. Adding following to the above code.
use HTML::Template;
sub generate_mail_template {
    my ( $self, $filename, $parameters ) = @_;

    # create mail body template. We don't want to die/exit if any of the parameters is missing
    my $template = HTML::Template->new( filename => $filename, die_on_bad_params => 0 );
    return $template;
This takes the absolute filename of the  template file and the parameters we will be substituting in that template file.
Right now I am using a simple template which can be extended based on requirement (template.html)
        <title>Test Email Template</title>
        My Name is <TMPL_VAR NAME=NAME>
        My Location is <TMPL_VAR NAME=LOCATION>

Creating Email to send -

Now comes the part where we will be creating our email with subject, attachment and body before sending.
But before that, we want to make the users to which we will be sending email configurable and for that we will be creating a config file.
Right now I am creating a json based config (config.json). But, you can create it in any format of you choice.
    "mail" : {
                "mail_from" : "",
                "mail_to" : [""],
                "mail_cc_to" : ["", ""],
                "smtp_server" : ""
The key names are self explanatary.

Now back to the part of creating email. We will create another method for this by adding to above code.
use Email::MIME;
use File::Basename qw( basename );
sub create_mail {
    my ( $self, $file_attachments, $mail_subject, $mail_body ) = @_;

    my @mail_attachments;
    if (@$file_attachments) {
        foreach my $attachment (@$file_attachments) {
            my $single_attachment = Email::MIME->create(
                attributes => {
                    filename     => basename($attachment),
                    content_type => "application/json",
                    disposition  => 'attachment',
                    encoding     => 'base64',
                    name         => basename($attachment)
                body => io->file($attachment)->all
            push( @mail_attachments, $single_attachment );
    # Multipart message : It contains attachment as well as html body
    my @parts = (
            attributes => {
                content_type => 'text/html',
                encoding     => 'quoted-printable',
                charset      => 'US-ASCII'
            body_str => $mail_body,

    my $mail_to_users    = join ', ', @{ $self->{config}->{mail_to} };
    my $cc_mail_to_users = join ', ', @{ $self->{config}->{mail_cc_to} };

    my $email = Email::MIME->create(
        header => [
            From    => $self->{config}->{mail_from},
            To      => $mail_to_users,
            Cc      => $cc_mail_to_users,
            Subject => $mail_subject,
        parts => [@parts],
    return $email;
This method will take list of attachments, subject and body and create a MIME part using Email::MIME .
Also there is Email::Stuffer which you can also use for similar part. But for now I am using Email::MIME.

Sending Email - 

 Now our mail to ready for send. We will create another method for it in addition to above methods.
use Email::Sender::Simple qw( sendmail );
use Email::Sender::Transport::SMTP;
sub send_mail {
    my ( $self, $email ) = @_;
    my $transport = Email::Sender::Transport::SMTP->new(
            host => $self->{config}->{smtp_server}
    eval { sendmail( $email, { transport => $transport } ); };
    if ($@) {
        return 0, $@;
    else {
        return 1;

This method will just take the email  which we have created before and sent it to requested receipient.
Since our work is done here we will end the module with a true value.

Using the module -

Now we have the module ready. Lets create a perl script and try to utilize the methods which we have created(
#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;
use JSON;
use Cwd qw( abs_path );
use File::Basename qw( dirname );
use lib dirname(abs_path($0));
use SendMail;

sub read_json_file {
    my ($json_file) = @_;
    print "Reading $json_file";

    open (my $in, '<', $json_file) or print "Unable to open file $json_file : $!";
    my $json_text = do { local $/ = undef; <$in>; };
    close ($in) or print "Unable to close file : $!";

    my $config_data = decode_json($json_text);
    return ($config_data);

# Read the config file
my $config = read_json_file("config.json");

my $mail = SendMail->new("config" => $config->{'mail'});

# param which you want to substitute in mail template
my $mail_parameters = "NAME => 'Gaurav', LOCATION => 'INDIA'";

# path to mail attachments
my $attachments = ["abc.txt"];

# path to mail template
my $mail_template = "mail_template/template.html";

print "Generating HTML template for mail body";
my $template = $mail->generate_mail_template($mail_template, $mail_parameters);

print "Creating mail with body and attachments to send";
my $mail_subject = "Test Mail";
my $email = $mail->create_mail($attachments, $mail_subject, $template->output);

print "Sending email...";
my ($mail_return_code, $mail_exception) = $mail->send_mail($email);

if (defined $mail_exception) {
    print "Exception while sending mail: $mail_exception";
    return 0;
else {
    print "Mail Sent successfully";
    return 1;
And we are done. You can run this script from your terminal and test this. The full code for reference is also available at Github for your reference